however since they are also inmical to each other, amidst the beneficial effects can always be some friction or health issues but nothing major by itself. Ascendant rising is also 12 degrees. In military parlance, this yoga gives a capability of surgical air strike deep within enemy territory. Here the 8th lord is destroyed & destroys the other houses as well. How will be your Spouse/Life Partner Be in Vedic Astrology? Mars Venus in 12th house in leo other planets will dictate other results. If in the kundali the lord of the 6th or the 12th house is in the 8th house, or if the lord of the 8th house is in the 6th or the 12th house then the Saral Vipreet Raja Yoga is formed. usually the mooltrikona sign effect will dominate. Vipreet Raaj Yoga As Blessings In Vedic Astrology By Dr. Dharmesh M. Mehta. So this yoga lets the person achieve victory on his or her enemies.The person with this yoga has a strong body , and is also wealthy. Please shed light. Please opine. There is no concept of D1 or bhav, all that matters is degrees 4th lord too. Does VRY still exist in this scenario? More like Mercury in first house or more like Saturn the owner of 5th and 6th house with more power towards the 6th house activities as this where exchange happens. If a yoga exists in rashi chart but not in bhaav chart, it loses some power though doesnt become 0. I am a Libra Ascendent. > Malefic Planets in upachaya houses will give - good result better with time. However, in some of the other literature explaining the yoga also indicate one other condition which you have not listed here i.e. however if saturn is very strongly placed like exalted or in 5th bhaav without combustion or negative aspect/ conjunction then it will give results similar to shankha yoga independently. Sir Is there an additional +ve or -ve effect to this aspect given that Jupiter is FN for this asc? A Vipreet Raja Yoga gives a person special strength to overcome an adverse situation and get success out of it. There is no such thing as pursuit of happiness, but there is the discovery of how much joy we are entitled to Rajyoga is an auspicious formation of planets in the Kendra and Trine/Trikon houses of your Birth Chart, which gives favourable results and a lot of. Hello VS: an exchange of 12th and 7th lords for capricorn will lead to the loss of atleast one marriage. They have believed in taking a fair decision. After facing struggle or negative circumstances in life, when this Yog becomes activated then the people with this Yog work on their mistakes or negative points and do improvement and this time, people move on much better than before. VS, I am reading BPHS and in Chapter 34 (Yoga karakas), sloka 39-40, it states that Chandra, Guru and Mangal are malefics for Makar lagna. if 2 planets are 122 degrees apart and one is 29 degrees in virgo and other is 1 degree in aquarius. take Obama or george clooneys horoscope. In this video , I have discussed about the Vipreet Raj Yog and how this Yoga is formed and what are its effects. Also, if Raj Yoga planet is aspected by any malefic planet or combined with any malefic planet then Raj yoga gives no result. So It implies the collection of power or gains coming together due to another's ( or ones own) down fall or death of another. and so on and so forth for other lagnas, this ofcourse depends on several other factors as VS as repeatedly stated nothing can be generalized by looking at things piecemeal. Home Posts Tagged "vipreet raj yoga and longevity". yogas that repeat in multiple of these lagnas get more powerful. The individual's horoscope considers Raja Yoga or Raj Yoga as the most auspicious, as this yoga gives a sense of contentment, glory, advancement and success. This video is regarding vipreet raj yoga as in virpreet raj yoga, in jyotish which happens when lord of the 6th, 8th and 12th house are in 6th, 8th or 12th house. in practice, if neecha bhang happens with a strong depositor and in kendra, it leads to a raj yogaelse it is a mere cancellation of debility and not necessarily a raj yoga. They are lucky with a strong immune system or improved resistance power, Their enemies become less when this Yog becomes activated and get support from many friends. However, there is a general rule that every planet be he even a malefic would produce good effects if he is placed in a House owned by him even if the House happens to be an evil one ( 6th, 8th or the 12th). Further, this conjunction is aspected by Saturn posited in the 8th house at Capricorn via its 3rd dristhi. Thanks and regards, ad, there is no such thing. Conjunction is from degrees. So, in that case, will such yogas get activated when the corresponding planet attains maturity age? there is no dictum as such. It is also great to form in a Kendra house -1st, 4th, 7th or 10th. Hello VS: Hence , I think that it may not give material benefits but might help with Moksha.. What if other Spiritual planets like Ketu and Saturn also placed any of these Moksha Trikona houses? unfortunately I cant say with incomplete data as it becomes speculation. I have mars debilitated in 5th house for pieces lagna and saturn exalted in 8th house aspecting mars..will my mars debilitation get cancelled..and is mars debilitated in 5th house good or bad since mars is like a yogakaraka planet for pieces lagna and also being 9th house lord in 9th house from its house..please let me know, not fully cancelled unless moon joins mars or moon is exalted or in 11th bhaav, I have virgo lagna with venus and mercury conjunct in 2nd house of libra with jupiter aspecting it from 6th house which is with moon in 6th house and saturn in 3rd house and mars exalted in 5th house(interexchange between mars and saturn) which planets are good for me..thanks, hard to say like this and good and bad is subjective. The mental disturbance is like when other people create mental tension which could be related to profession, business or married life against that person who has this Viparita or Vipreet Raj Yog. Its all about unique formation of planets and the strength of the planets invovled in producing it. Thus Vipreet Rajyoga can also be of much beneficence to individuals, despite popular belief of 6,8,12th house and lords being bad. Maha Yogas - Maha Yogas happen when there is a mutual exchange between lords of auspicious houses; i.e. Another vital parameter to be considered is the closeness from the Bhaav Madhya as discussed before. VS, In the case of Virgo asc and Mars being exalted I believe Mars will not do good for the 5th bhaav by itself ( apart from it not doing good to the disposited) ? it can be a neecha bhang but reduced intensity. Jupiter exalted in cancer in 7th This Yoga occurs when the 8th lord goes in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the ascendant. If the combination occurs in 2/5/9/11 or any Kendra house (1/4/7/10) then this Yoga is stronger (as opposed to occuring in 3,6,8,12 bhaavs). A blog about Vedic Astrology,Medical astrology,Jyotish,Mantra procedures and remedies.A resource blog on techniques and applications of Astrology. Also interestingly Saturn (2.37*) & Mars (9.31*) are sitting together in 8th house of this chart (2L & 11L conjunction). VS, if jup say 10 degrees in leo, rahu at 12 degrees in saggi, then they are strongly trinal. Is there any neech bhagna rajyog Is this true? Behaviour? Pl reach out to me or write to me at for personal consulting where I also provide remedies as per your religion and beliefs. Hi Vivek , Otherwise if mars is strong in the chart, some yoga will result, else no yoga but no avayoga as well. How does Viparita or Vipreet Raj Yog form? thanks, No worries. Darakaraka Planet in different houses in Vedic Astrology Darakaraka-in-different-houses-in-vedic-astrology Darakaraka Planet is the lowest UpaPada Lagna: Details analysis of Spouse and Marriage. For panch mahapurush yoga, suppose the planet is retrograde, does it still apply? Yoga Beginner Guide on How to #yoga. There is, however, a way to jump start the process for a learner, who can then graduate to advanced books on the same including 300 Important Combinations by Dr. B.V. Raman, which is a book i recommend for this topic. it is very complicated to utilize. the effects in functionality will depend on rulerships as well as the strength (avastha/ shadbal) etc of the planets and can not be generalized as good or bad, Hi vivek sir For instance, if the lord of the eighth house is in twelfth house or sixth house, and lord of the sixth house is in eighth house, lord of the twelfth house is in sixth or eighth house, and the lord of the trine houses are in conjunction or have a aspect on each other, then the person will be very rich and happy. If true, what if Mars is in Cancer? So, the traditional view of one career per life, where one had to choose between a job or entrepreneurship is less true these days than it was perhaps during Parasars time. How this Moon will behave? The house is empty. I belong to Dehradun, Uttarakhand. : Viprit Rajyoga. neecha bhang rules are slightly subjective. when an exchange of 2 planets happen, the 2 rashis involved will become dominant even if they are the non MK signs. no hard and fast rule regarding which will come first and at times both can co-exist. Vipreet Rajyoga book. However if a planet is in kendra from both moon and lagna, it becomes stronger in that regards. everything else is vital but more like fine tuning as opposed to bigger decision makers of destiny. likewise I mean you have to see the chart overall. But later in modern astrology these yogas have gained prominence. In order to analyze properly, I need to look at the chart which I can not due to time constraints. would you please suggest any remedy ? Not much, frankly. In divisionals, you can not look at them as stand alone horoscopes. Vipreet and Neech Bangha Rajyoga in Astrology. both mars and saturn will have a tendency to give negative results in this case but also depends on the other planets and yogas, Dear Vivek, Vipareeta Raja Yogas: When the ruler of a difficult house (6, 8 or 12) goes into another difficult house a Vipareeta Raja Yoga is formed. good house lord in dusthana Or. According to the astrology scriptures , 6th , 8th and 12th house has always been criticized. Vipreet means "Inverted (or) reverse" Hence, Vipreet Raja Yoga means yogas that comes in an unusual manner. Yes sir, indeed the native is an 11 yr old girl with issues surfacing in expressive language, academics and lower than average IQ levels. General Nature of no planet ever changes, regardless of its placement or yogas For Cap. This yoga is a truly positive phase in the wearer's life and provides them wisdom and intellect needed to lead the life well. We can know about our spouse characteristics by analysing Darakaraka. that is why knowing the theory is vital, however case studies of modern era and location specific understanding of culture/ education/ work etc will lead to finer readings with experience, Thanks, VS! mercury and venus conjunct in 2nd house for virgo is certainly a raj yoga in itself, Thanks for the answerjust wanted to know if such a mercury gets debilitated in navamsa in 1st house of pieces would such a mercury give bad result since it also gains digbala in 1st house and venus is in 4th house of gemini where again it gets digbala..are such placements of venus and mercury good in navamsa considering they form good raja yoga in main lagna chart, digabala is not relevant in divisional charts, only in D1 lord of 6 8 or 12 house mutually aspecting and placed in houses other than 6 8 12 house give rise to VIPREET RAJYOG?simply i am talking about vipreet rajyog by mutual aspect.pleass give your opinion, yes they can. E.g. secondly the depositor should be in high dignity and bal. Physical disturbance is like a person suffers from any diseases in which he or she face extreme difficulty to overcome that disease. Are these graha mallika yoga (or maala yoga) in D1 but only 3 planets are involved (nodes are not involved)? If Jupiter in first 5 degrees of Capricorn or deeply combust, will cause serious health issues. Also, leaving the D9 nuance aside for a bit, its interesting that two natural benefics but natural enemies conjunct in the same bhav and therefore become maha shatru so what will be the effects?). The logic is that the 2/5/9/11 bhaavs rule over wealth in one way or the other and hence when 2 or more such lords combine, a combination for wealth creation is made. Lord of 8th house mars in 12th house along with sun,mercury and venus .lord of 12th house sun in 12th house .Does this create vipareet raj yog? generally if any yoga repeats from lagna, chandra lagna, arudha lagna and karakamsa lagna, it is strong. i dont think jupiter is a functional malefic for capricorn (regardless of what is written and infinitely copy pasted in texts). saturn feels neutral towards jupiter. is created. Astrology lovers are very curious about Raja Yoga and people want to know Raja Yoga in their horoscope because due to this. Dasha starting from Oct 2018. Regards When Venus + Budhan is in Kanya for a Mesha lagna but Budhan sits in the 6th bhaav (25 degrees away from Venus), is there a neech bhang if not NBRY? Astrologically Yoga means a combination, placement of planets in a particular pattern in the 12 grehas. If this occurs in the 1st, 5th or 9th house itself, it is even better. but if in Kendra from both lagna and moon, its better. Can you share some literature on this. without permission. Both the debilitated planets Jupiter and Mercury have mutual aspect, form Vipreet Raj yoga and also Parivartan Yoga. Due to inflated ego, there is a possibility of relationship issues (7th lord exalted conjunct jupiter will give quality but being in 12th and watery sign, and being venus (highly intelligent, but daitya in nature) may cause a lot of ego and inflexibility in relationship matters) What if their MK houses are not those dusthanas but MK houses are good houses like Kendra or Trikona? what are the advantages of sarala yoga and when it will be activated in the chart, please read on yogas in phaladeepika of Parasara Hora. Effective communication- The astrological angle. For cancer ascendent moon in saggitarius, Jupiter in gemini and Mars in cancer, does moon in 6th indicate life long suffering from enemies and Jupiter in 12 does this indicate living in foreign land or just staying in different city in same country? Thanks, yes they are Malika yoga(s). So if Saturn and Moon sitting in each others house in Kendra i.e. From children to Young stage, these people are often seen doing struggle in their life but once they reach their age of 40, they accumulate much wealth, luck get support them and their financial condition get improve but other combination should be seen, however people who become wealthy at the age of 20-25 are the one's who get the Mahadasha or Antardasha of that planet who is creating Viparita or Vipreet Raj Yog. No one can learn astrology by reading random articles here or there. And is it good or bad? Harsh Vipreet Raja Yoga is one of the three kinds of Vipreet Raja Yogas formed when the lords of the Trikha houses are placed in each others houses. Vivek sir I tend to think there may not be much VRY effects if both of their MK houses are not dusthana ..pls let me know. It indicates fame, wealth, prosperity and fulfilment of desires. Re: Neecha Bhang RajYoga, I have heard this can also be seen from the chandra lagna . Typically such planets elevate the entire life/ status of an individual in their dasas if they are in good dignity as per the many scores of quantifying dignity of a planet as discussed in other articles. i) If the lord of 3rd house or 6th house or 8th house or 12th house sits with other lords of other houses then it will give only 50% results of Viparita or Vipreet Raj Yog. does not mean that it is a benefic either. ? How do we interpret a strong Gaja kesari yoga that happens in a dusthana like 8 or 12? I think no single lagna can be good in general so to speak. All Yogas including NBRY are to be seen from Rasi chart, correct? A) does this qualify as NBRY? Let's look at Kahala yoga. 3. Typically this is a potent strong Yoga and will give strong benefits related to the rulership of houses of the planet involved, but only after some initial setbacks/ failures or delays. 2. In this case Mars gets NBY and will become a strong benefic as long as its strong in shadbal and has good aspects on it. AJ, yoga is still good but will not give as good as results as in kendra/ kona positions. Search inside document. That, though did not answer my question , What placements, aspects, and houses should one look at in a horoscope to see if one would be successful in entrepreneurship i.e. it all depends on the other planets and yogas that sun in involved in. Hello Marcia and other group members, Vipreet Raj Yoga occurs when: a) The 6th lord is in the 8th or the 12th house - gives happiness, helath and fame b) The with respect to VIpareet Raj Yogas, I have found in my expereience that. Because Vitalik Buterin has three different Vipreet Raj Yogas operating in his chart, creating a situation in which he will have enemies and will subsequently defeat his enemies, gain from his enemies and lastly, the enemy will disappear. He becomes one of the influential personality in the society , and is blessed with good friends , family, life partner and children. September 11, 1978, 16:55, Delhi. 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